- Do you ever wonder why you (or your team members) keep getting the same results again and again?
- Have you ever felt like a hamster on a wheel - going and going and going.....and getting nowhere fast?
- How ready are you to stop doing what hasn't been working for you, get off that spinning wheel?
- If what you have been doing hasn't been working for you - isn't it about time your tried something different?
Stop the Spin Cycle and finally claim the success & performance you really want:
- as a Leader
- as a Business Owner
- in Your Relationships
- for Your Family
The Core Focus Profile™ (with coaching) shows you specifically
- how, when and under what circumstances you operate at your best and highest,
- what you (and your team) specifically need to focus on in order to accomplish your most important goals,
- the core defaults you are running which keep those wheels spinning in place
- the most effective actions you can begin taking NOW to move the needle toward your most important goals
Your Core Focus Profile™ includes:
- 2 Leading Edge Coaching Assessments, Results and Next Steps Plan Unique to Your Needs and Specific Situation
- 4 Private Individual 1:1 Professional Coaching Sessions with Your Coach (recorded by request)
- Your Core Focus Profile Action Guide
- Private Access to Online Client Portal for Private Coaching Resources
- Coaching Support by Email & Text Between Coaching Sessions and While an Active Client
- Framework for Building Your Authentic Success Blueprint
Your Next Step: |
What you can expect from your call when you connect with us:
- Private and confidential review of your needs and situation with a professionally credentialed coach.
- The call should last 30-45 minutes. Additional time may be discussed as needed.
- The conversation will take place over the phone and will provide an opportunity for you and your coach to determine if there is a fit for moving forward.
- During the call you will have the opportunity to explore what professional coaching is and isn't and which programs may be the best fit for you.
- Your coach can discuss any questions you may have including scope and terms of service, our coaching agreement, client support and what you can expect going forward.
- Should you decide to move forward by enrolling in one or more of our programs, you will be sent by email a coaching agreement which must be signed and on file in order to begin receiving professional coaching services.
- Whether you decide there is a fit for you at this time with any of our programs, our goal is to provide a meaningful connection and productive experience during your contact with us.
- Please note that professional coaching is not therapy or mental health services, counseling or psychological services of any kind, nor is it legal, medical or other licensed professional advice or consulting. Our training programs and products are provided as information only and require your personal due diligence before deciding which is the most appropriate action for you or your business. You are fully responsible for your choices and all outcomes from the coaching process.
- To ensure that your call is productive for you, please see our frequently asked questions page in advance of your call.